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Origin Scheme Update - April 2020

Hello everyone,

I hope you are well and coping with the current restrictions imposed. Personally I have not left the home for 7 days now, but trying to keep moving by chipping in the garden and following the below Pilates routines. For those that follow the Access Fore Golf Facebook page or my LinkedIn profile you would have seen this link. Follow the link below to YouTube where there are lots of free workouts to follow. I have liked these Pilates for Golfers as they are simple, not overly long and have kept me feeling mobile.

I have been in touch with Pavenham, Bedfordshire and Collingtree (after Overstone Park withdrew) this week. I have had a response from all with Collingtree having said they will try and get me a response this week. Pavenham and Bedfordshire have agreed to start the 12 months membership once restrictions are lifted. Collingtree will be dependant if they are in a position to make an offer which is agreeable to both parties due the the ownership transfer that has also been delayed.

This scheme is priced to provide unrivalled value to play golf. It is based around 5-6 rounds to get your money back. The number of courses on a scheme is dependant on the membership uptake of a scheme. I have launched the business at this price point (against advice) because I want the value to be transparent. After my last communication I had nearly 30% of members state they would request refunds if a Northampton course was not present. I fully appreciate that and based on geographical location I would honour those refunds. However, that does mean that the numbers would be barely there to continue with 2 courses, but that is what I would do.

I apologise for not being in touch sooner, but I wanted to be in a position to have some positive news. Sorry if you feel this is heart on the sleeve, but I believe in being honest and open. Cards are ready to send, but will be posted once I get clarification from the clubs whether they require me to change the expiry date on them (I hope not!).

I very much want this scheme to run for many years and I hope this pandemic does not cause irretrievable damage to what I believe is the best value golf scheme out there. I will be in touch once I have more to update.

For those still wishing to renew/join in preparation for when the restrictions lift, this is still possible via the usual methods. If you are unsure, please get in touch.

Keep safe and take care


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