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Shane Davies

Non-Members to be able to gain Official Handicap

England Golf have announced plans to roll out official handicaps to nomadic golfers later this year. This will be achieved by golfers logging scores and tracking their indexes via the My England Golf app.

Non-members will gain official handicap indexes, with the initial aim “to inspire golfers to play more often and to increase the connection between an avid, independent golfer and their local club/facility,” England Golf has said.

“We will create a best-in-class platform with the ultimate goal of educating independent golfers on the value of golf club membership and inspiring them to follow this pathway to greater participation,” the governing body said in its latest independent golfer update.

This is great news for those that enjoy social rounds with friends and want to relinquish the label of "Bandit" when always winning the spoils.

More information will be released later in the year, but it is hoped to be in place by June.

Keep safe and well

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